1. 柔性薄壁结构数字化装配
2. 复杂管路系统数字化制造
3. 铝合金先进成形工艺
1. Bin Gu**, Bin Feng, Yutong Qi, Shuhui Li*. A comparative study on cryogenic formability and paint baking property of AA7075 alloy sheets tempered at fast retrogressed and pre-aged conditions. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 30: 5232-5248.
2. Jia Chen, Bin Gu*, Haidong Yu, Chang Gao. Optimizing pipeline assembly: a novel model for predicting assembly pose considering clamp constraints. Robotic Intelligence and Automation, 2024.
3. Ke Yuan, Bin Gu*, Shixuan Sun, Haidong Yu. Characterization of heterogeneous mechanical properties for thick welded joints with flow stress variation in the transverse and thickness directions. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2024.
4. Sheng Liu*, Bin Gu*, Haidong Yu, Chenxuan Hu. Tolerance design of revolute clearance joints for aero‑engine planar maneuvering mechanism by uncertain dynamic performance evaluation. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2024.
5. Haidong Yu*, Ke Yuan, Bin Gu. Effect of elastic pre-bending on mitigating welding deformation for aluminium alloy thick-walled plates joined by FSW. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2024.
6. Chenxuan Hu, Haidong Yu*, Bin Gu, Chang Gao. An energy flow analysis for multibody dynamic behavior of cable-membrane system. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024.
1. Bin Feng, Bin Gu**, Shuhui Li*. An efficient pre-hardened cryogenic forming process for AA7075 aluminum alloy sheets. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 92: 534-547.
2. Chang Gao, Haidong Yu*, Bin Gu, Yujin Lin. Modeling and analysis of assembly variation with non-uniform stiffness condensation for large thin-walled structures, Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 191: 111042.
3. Chang Gao, Haidong Yu*, Bin Gu, Yujin Lin. The deformation analysis of friction stir welding with different clamping distances for large thin-walled joints. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2023, 23(5): 415-423.
1. Bin Feng, Bin Gu**, Shuhui Li*. Cryogenic deformation behavior and failure mechanism of AA7075 alloy sheets tempered at different conditions. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 848: 143396.
2. Chenxuan Hu, Haidong Yu*, Zikang Xia, Bin Gu, Flexible assembly research for cylindrical interference fit with form error in shaft-hole structures, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022.
To 2021:
1. Bin Gu, Ji He*, Shuhui Li, Zhongqin Lin. Anisotropic fracture modeling of sheet metals: from in-plane to out-of-plane. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 182-183: 112-140.
2. Bin Gu, Ji He**, Shuhui Li*, Yuan Chen, Yongfeng Li. Cyclic sheet metal test comparison and parameter calibration for springback prediction of dual-phase steel sheets. ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2017, 139(9): 091010.
3. Shuhui Li*, Ji He**, Bin Gu, Danielle Zeng, Z. Cedric Xia, Yixi Zhao, Zhongqin Lin. Anisotropic fracture of advanced high strength steel sheets: Experiment and theory. International Journal of Plasticity, 2018, 103: 95-118.
4. Ji He*, Yongfeng Li, Bin Gu, Shuhui Li*. Effects of reverse loading on forming limit predictions with distortional anisotropic hardening under associated and non-associated flow rules. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 156: 446-461.
5. Ji He, Bin Gu, Yongfeng Li, Shuhui Li*. Forming limits under stretch-bending through distortionless and distortional anisotropic hardening. ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2018, 140(12): 121013.
6. Bin Gu, Ji He*, Shuhui Li, Yixi Zhao, Yongfeng Li, Danielle Zeng, Z. Cedric Xia, Zhongqin Lin. A new specimen for out-of-plane shear strength of advanced high strength steel sheets. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, 896: 012024.
7. 顾彬, 何霁, 李淑慧, 林忠钦*. 金属板料各向异性断裂模型及断裂实验研究进展. 塑性工程学报, 2019, 26(1), 1-14.
1. 管端加工余量自动计算软件, 计算机软件著作权:2024SR0144981
1. 2020年度中国机械工程学会优秀论文奖