电子邮件:yihan@sjtu.edu.cn 期待具有物理、纳米材料、微纳制造、电子器件等背景的有志之士加入!
2018-10 至 2022-10,德国亚琛工业大学,物理学,博士
2015-08 至 2018-06,中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所,集成电路工程,硕士
2011-09 至 2015-06,浙江工业大学,应用物理,学士
2024-04 至今 上海交通大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,助理研究员
2023-01 至 2024-03 德国于利希研究中心,Peter Grünberg研究所,科研工作者
2022-10 至 2022-12 德国于利希研究中心,Peter Grünberg研究所,访问学者
• 先进微纳制造
• 低温CMOS微纳器件
• 低温新型存储器件与神经元计算
[1] Roemer C, Dersch N, Darbandy G, Schwarz M, Han Y, Zhao Q-T, et al. Physics-based compact current model for Schottky barrier transistors at deep cryogenic temperatures including band tail effects and quantum oscillations. Solid State Electron 2024;212:108846.
[2] Sun J, Han Y, Junk Y, Concepción O, Bae J-H, Grützmacher D, et al. Low contact resistance of NiGeSn on n-GeSn. Solid State Electron 2024;
[3] Bestelink E, Galderisi G, Golec P, Han Y, Iniguez B, Kloes A, et al. Roadmap for Schottky barrier Transistors. Nano Futur 2024.
[4] Han Y, Sun J, Bae J-H, Grützmacher D, Knoch J, Zhao Q-T. High Performance 5 nm Si Nanowire FETs with a Record Small SS= 2.3 mV/dec and High Transconductance at 5.5 K Enabled by Dopant Segregated Silicide Source/Drain. 2023 IEEE Symp. VLSI Technol. Circuits (VLSI Technol. Circuits), IEEE; 2023, p. 1–2.
[5] Liu M, Junk Y, Han Y, Yang D, Bae JH, Frauenrath M, et al. Vertical GeSn nanowire MOSFETs for CMOS beyond silicon. Nature Commun Eng 2023;2:7.
[6] Han Y, Sun J, Radu I, Knoch J, Grützmacher D, Zhao Q-T. Improved performance of FDSOI FETs at cryogenic temperatures by optimizing ion implantation into silicide. Solid State Electron 2023;208:108733.
[7] Knoch J, Richstein B, Han Y, Frentzen M, Schreiber LR, Klos J, et al. Toward Low-Power Cryogenic Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors. Phys STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS Mater Sci 2023.
[8] Xi F, Grenmyr A, Zhang J, Han Y, Bae JH, Grützmacher D, et al. Heterosynaptic Plasticity and Neuromorphic Boolean Logic Enabled by Ferroelectric Polarization Modulated Schottky Diodes. Adv Electron Mater 2023;9:2201155.
[9] Yang D, Wirths S, Knoll L, Han Y, Buca DM, Zhao QT. Enhanced Device Performance with Vertical SiC Gate-All-Around Nanowire Power MOSFETs. Key Eng Mater 2023;945:77–82.
[10] Roemer C, Dersch N, Darbandy G, Schwarz M, Han Y, Zhao Q-T, et al. Compact modeling of Schottky barrier field-effect transistors at deep cryogenic temperatures. Solid State Electron 2023:108686.
[11] Han Y, Sun J, Xi F, Bae J-H, Grützmacher D, Zhao Q-T. Cryogenic characteristics of UTBB SOI Schottky-Barrier MOSFETs. Solid State Electron 2022;194:108351.
[12] Richstein B, Han Y, Zhao Q, Hellmich L, Klos J, Scholz S, et al. Interface Engineering for Steep Slope Cryogenic MOSFETs. IEEE Electron Device Lett 2022;XX:1–1.
[13] Xi F, Han Y, Grenmyr A, Grützmacher D, Zhao Q-T. Four-Terminal Ferroelectric Schottky Barrier Field Effect Transistors as Artificial Synapses for Neuromorphic Applications. IEEE J Electron Devices Soc 2022;10:569–74.
[14] Han Y, Xi F, Allibert F, Radu I, Prucnal S, Bae J-H, et al. Characterization of fully silicided source/drain SOI UTBB nMOSFETs at cryogenic temperatures. Solid State Electron 2022;192:108263.
[15] Han Y, Sun J, Richstein B, Allibert F, Radu I, Bae J-H, et al. Steep Switching Si Nanowire p-FETs With Dopant Segregated Silicide Source/Drain at Cryogenic Temperature. IEEE Electron Device Lett 2022;43:1187–90.
[16] Xi F, Han Y, Liu M, Bae JH, Tiedemann A, Grützmacher D, et al. Artificial Synapses Based on Ferroelectric Schottky Barrier Field-Effect Transistors for Neuromorphic Applications. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2021;13:32005–12.
[17] Han Y, Xi F, Allibert F, Radu I, Prucnal S, Bae J-H, et al. Impact of the backgate on the performance of SOI UTBB nMOSFETs at cryogenic temperatures. 2021 Jt. Int. EUROSOI Work. Int. Conf. Ultim. Integr. Silicon, IEEE; 2021, p. 1–4.
[18] Han Y, Li Y, Song Y, Chi C, Zhang Z, Liu J, et al. A comparative study of selective dry and wet etching of germanium–tin (Ge1− xSnx) on germanium. Semicond Sci Technol 2018;33:85011.
[19] Han Y, Song Y, Chen X, Zhang Z, Liu J, Li Y, et al. Abnormal strain in suspended GeSn microstructures. Mater Res Express 2018;5:035901.
[20] Zhang ZP, Song YX, Li YY, Wu XY, Zhu ZYS, Han Y, et al. Effect of thermal annealing on structural properties of GeSn thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. AIP Adv 2017;7.
[21] Zhang ZP, Song YX, Zhu ZYS, Han Y, Chen QM, Li YY, et al. Structural properties of GeSn thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. AIP Adv 2017;7.
[22] Zhu Z, Song Y, Zhang Z, Sun H, Han Y, Li Y, et al. Vapor-solid-solid grown Ge nanowires at integrated circuit compatible temperature by molecular beam epitaxy. J Appl Phys 2017;122.
[1] Zhao Q-T, Han Y, Grützmacher D, “Speicherzelle und Betrieb der Speicherzelle” Patent, PT 0.3338.
[2] 韩奕, 李耀耀, 宋禹忻, 朱忠赟珅, 张振普, 曹春芳, 王庶民. “一种三维GeSn微纳尺度悬臂结构的制备方法”, CN106744657A[P]. 2017.
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