






• 2017.10 - 2018.10 加州大学伯克利分校 核工程 联合培养博士研究生
• 2016.03 - 2019.06 西安交通大学 核科学与核技术 博士研究生
• 2014.09 - 2016.02 西安交通大学 核科学与核技术 硕士研究生
• 2010.09 - 2014.07 西安交通大学 核工程与核技术 本科


• 2022.08-  至今       上海交通大学 核科学与工程学院 助理研究员
• 2019.07 – 2022.07 上海交通大学 核科学与工程学院 博士后




Progress in Nuclear Energy  审稿人
Nuclear Technology  审稿人
Annals of Nuclear Energy 审稿人


1. 2024-2027 中核领创科研基金项目 舰艇海洋生物附着物的空化射流清洗机理及设计研究 项目负责人
2. 2024-2025 中国核动力研究设计院 事故条件下物性畸变分析模型及数值求解稳定性优化研究 项目负责人
3. 2022-2024 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 脉动流作用下球床堆芯高普朗特数氟盐跨流型流动传热特性研究  项目负责人
4. 2022-2024 上海核能装备测试验证中心 供热堆燃料组件低流量CHF试验测试 项目负责人
5. 2020-2022博士后基金面上项目 球床钍基熔盐堆熔盐介质辐射传热特性研究 项目负责人
6. 2021-2024 核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室运行基金 热管-辐射散热原理系统的启动与耦合传热特性研究 项目负责人
7. 2019-2020中广核研究院 直流蒸汽发生器流致振动试验技术项目 项目负责人
8. 2020.01-2022.12高紧凑固有安全热管反应堆堆芯设计研究  国家重点研发项目子课题,项目骨干


1. Liu, L., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., Shen, C., Liu, M., Xiao, Y., & Gu, H. Numerical research on the influence of ocean conditions on the transient response of passive decay heat removal system of the floating Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy.2024, 206:110653.
2. Liu, L., Shen, C., Liu, M., Xiao, Y., Cong, T., & Gu, H. Numerical simulation of the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the liquid metal flow across the single-start helical coiled tube bundles. Progress in Nuclear Energy.2024, 173: 105270.
3. Liu, Z., Liu, L*., Guo, Z., Guo, H., Cong, T., Liu, M., & Gu, H. Numerical simulation of the ocean conditions impact on heat pipe-cooled molten salt reactor core thermal-hydraulic performance. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2024, 421, 113066. (通讯作者)
4. Guo, Z., Liu, L*., Liu, Z., & Gu, H. Development and application of a transient analysis code for heat pipe cooled reactor systems. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2024, 419, 112979. (通讯作者)
5. Liu L., Zhu D., Liu M., et al. Transient Analysis of The Safety Characteristics on A Super Carbon-Dioxide Cooled Micro Modular Reactor.Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2024. 417, 112866.
6. Liu L., Guo H., Dai L. et al. The role of nuclear energy in the carbon neutrality goal. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2023,162:104772.
7. Liu L., Zhu D., Liu M. et al. Investigation of the safety limits and the limiting safety system settings on a super carbon-dioxide cooled micro modular reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2023,180(1-3):109484.
8. Liu L., Liu B., Xiao Y. et al. Preliminary Thermal and Mechanical Analysis on the Reactor Core of A New Heat Pipe Cooled Reactor Applied in The Underwater Environment. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2022,150:104306.
9. Liu M., Ni S., Wang X., Liu L*., et al. Experimental study on the natural circulation behavior of a full-scale PWR fuel assembly. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2022,174:109172.
10. Liu L., Peterson P., Zhang D., et al. Scaling and distortion analysis using a simple natural circulation loop for FHR development. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020,168:114849.
11. Liu L., Deng J., Zhang D., et al. Experimental analysis of flow and convective heat transfer in the water-cooled packed pebble bed nuclear reactor core. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2020;122:103298.
12. Liu L., Deng J., Zhang D., et al. Review of the experimental research on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics in the pebble bed nuclear reactor core and fusion breeder blankets. International Journal of Energy Research. 2020,45(8):11352-11383.
13. Liu L., Zhang D., Li L., et al. Experimental investigation of flow and convective heat transfer on a high-Prandtl-number fluid through the nuclear reactor pebble bed core. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018;145:48-57.
14. Liu L., Zhang D., Song J., et al. Modification and application of Relap5 Mod3 code to several types of nonwater-cooled advanced nuclear reactors. International Journal of Energy Research. 2018;42(1):221-35.
15. Liu L., Zhang D., Yan Q., et al. RELAP5 MOD3.2 modification and application to the transient analysis of a fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2017;101:504-15.
16. Liu L., Zhang D., Lu Q., et al. Preliminary neutronic and thermal-hydraulic analysis of a 2 MW Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor with Solid Fuel. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2016;86:1-10.
17. Zhang D., Liu L., Liu M., et al. Review of conceptual design and fundamental research of molten salt reactors in China. International Journal of Energy Research. 2018;42:1834-48.
18. Wang C., Liu L., Liu M., et al. Conceptual design and analysis of heat pipe cooled silo cooling system for the transportable fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2017;109:458-68.
19. Liu M., Zeng C., Liu L., et al. Evaluation of a freeze-tolerant decay heat removal system redundancy for fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHR). Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2022;165: 108681.
20. Zeng C., Chu X., Liu L., et al. Performance evaluation of DRACS system of molten salt reactors using a transient solidification model. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2022;386:111565.
21. Liu M., Wang X., Ni S., Liu L., et al. Development of friction factor correlations for hexagonal and square bundles with rough rods based on CFD. Annals of Nuclear Energy.2022;174:109163.
22. Liu M., Wang L., Ni S., Wang X., Liu L., et al. Experimental investigation on pressure drop of a PWR fuel assembly under low Re conditions. Annals of Nuclear Energy.2022;167(2):108768.
23. Liu M., Ni S., Wang X., Liu L., et al. Development of analytical models for the natural circulation behavior of a full-scale PWR fuel assembly. Annals of Nuclear Energy.2022;174:109166.
24. Qiu S., Zhang D., Liu L., et al. Coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics and safety characteristics of liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactors. Kerntechnik. 2016;81:149-59.
25. Zhang D., Liu L., Liu M., et al. Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Coupling Analysis for the Liquid-Fuel MOSART Concept. Energy Procedia. 2017;127:343-51.
26. 刘博,刘利民*,丁冠群,等. 热管冷却反应堆堆芯瞬态热力耦合研究.核技术.2022.(通讯作者)
27. 刘利民, 张大林, 郑美银, 等. 固态钍基熔盐堆堆芯物理参数计算. 原子能科学技术. 2015;49:126-31.
28. 许荣栓, 刘利民, 王宁,等. 基于修改后 RELAP5/MOD3.2 的氟盐高温堆实验回路分析. 原子能科学技术. 2017;51:828-35.


1. 刘利民,郭辉,肖瑶,刘茂龙; 一种适用于微型海洋堆电源系统:ZL 2023 1 0110994.1.2024-04-26
2. 刘利民,肖瑶,刘博,等. 一种海洋环境影响下熔盐与热管的传热特性实验系统: ZL202110425857.8.2022-05-27.
3. 刘利民,曾陈,刘茂龙,等. 一种氟盐流动凝固行为模拟实验系统:ZL202110244913.8. 2021-12-28.
4. 刘茂龙,曾陈,刘利民,等. 一种铅铋流动凝固行为研究实验系统:ZL202110246322.4. 2021-12-21.
5. 顾汉洋,刘利民,邓坚,等. 一种氟盐冷却高温堆非能动余热排出系统自然循环特性模化方法: ZL201911355702.0. 2020-11-24.
6. 张大林,刘利民,秋穗正,等. 氟盐冷却球床高温堆堆芯流动换热模拟实验系统: ZL 201711296049.6. 2020-03-31.

• 2021.12          陕西省优秀博士论文
• 2019.11         上海市博士后日常经费资助