







2017-2021 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 博士
2014-2017 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 塑性成形与装备制造研究院 硕士
2010-2014 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 学士


2024.6-至今 伟德betvlctor体育官网 助理研究员
2021-2024 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 博士后




基于颗粒诱导形核的增材制造晶粒组织转变机制 (2024-2026),国家自然科学基金(青年项目)


1. S. Ma et al, Laser powder bed fusion of an ultrafine microstructural in-situ TiB2/Al composite with excellent mechanical properties and thermal stability at elevated temperatures. Materials Science and Engineering: A 891 (2024) 145969.
2. S. Ma et al, Additive manufacturing enabled synergetic strengthening of bimodal reinforcing particles for aluminum matrix composites. Additive Manufacturing 70 (2023) 103543.
3. C. Dan, Y.Cui, …, S. Ma et al, Achieving ultrahigh fatigue resistance in AlSi10Mg alloy by additive manufacturing. Nature Materials 22, 1182–1188 (2023)
4. K. Wu, S. Ma* et al, Microstructure and mechanical properties of an in-situ TiB2 particle reinforced AlSi10Mg composite additive manufactured by selective electron beam melting. Journal of Materials Science (2023) 58, 7915–7929.
5. S. Ma et al, Enhanced high temperature mechanical properties and heat resistance of an Al–Cu–Mg–Fe–Ni matrix composite reinforced with in‑situ TiB2 particles. Journal of Materials Science (2023) 58:13019–13039.
6. S. Ma, Y. Li, et al, Enhancement of grain refinement and heat resistance in TiB2-reinforced Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni matrix composite additive manufactured by electron beam melting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 924 (2022) 166395.
7. S. Ma, X. Zhuang, and X. Wang, Particle distribution-dependent micromechanical simulation on mechanical properties and damage behaviors of particle reinforced metal matrix composites. Journal of Materials Science (2021) 56(11), 6780–6798.
8. S. Ma, X. Zhang, T. Chen and X. Wang, Microstructure-based numerical simulation of the mechanical properties and fracture of a Ti-Al3Ti core-shell structured particulate reinforced A356 composite. Materials & Design 191 (2020) 108685.
9. S. Ma, Y. Wang and X. Wang, Microstructures and mechanical properties of an Al-Cu-Mg-Sc alloy reinforced with in-situ TiB2 particulates. Materials Science and Engineering: A 788 (2020) 139603.
10. S. Ma, N. Li, C. Zhang and X. Wang, Evolution of intermetallic phases in an Al–Si–Ti alloy during solution treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 831 (2020) 154872.
11. S. Ma, X. Zhuang, and X. Wang, 3D micromechanical simulation of the mechanical behavior of an in-situ Al3Ti/A356 composite. Composites. Part B 176 (2019) 107-115.
12. S. Ma and X. Wang, Mechanical properties and fracture of in-situ Al3Ti particulate reinforced A356 composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A 754 (2019) 46-56.
13. S. Ma, Y.S. Wang and X. Wang, The in-situ formation of Al3Ti reinforcing particulates in an Al-7wt%Si alloy and their effects on mechanical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 792 (2019) 365-374.
14. S. Ma, X. Zhuang, Z. Zhao, Effect of Particle Size and Carbide Band on the Flow Behavior of Ferrite-Cementite Steel. Steel research international 87 (2016) 1489-1502.
15. S. M. Ma, et al., Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed Al–Mg–Si alloys dispersion-strengthened by nanosized TiB2 particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 616 (2014) 128-136.

Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, 普渡大学 (2020)
Ross Fellowship, 普渡大学 (2017)