个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiling-Xie
2014.09 - 2020.06,上海交通大学,机械工程,博士
2010.09 - 2014.06,武汉理工大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,本科
2022.07 - 至今,上海交通大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,助理研究员
2020.06 - 2022.06,上海交通大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,博士后(合作导师:张志谊 研究员)
中国振动工程学会 会员
上海市振动工程学会 会员
IIAV (The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration) member
2025.01 - 2028.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“水下航行器动力设备-壳体低频线谱振动全局控制方法研究”,主持
2022.01 - 2024.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于电磁控制单元的轴系纵向振动传递抑制方法研究”,主持
2024.11 - 2025.11 中船711所研究项目“筏架-船体结构振动传递路径仿真技术研究”,主持
2024.10 - 2025.09 中船704所高校合作专项创新基金项目“船舶设备宽频带高推重比多向主动隔振技术研究”,主持
2023.01 - 2023.12 航天八院研究项目“特种车辆旋转式油液阻尼器研制”,主持
2022.12 - 2023.11 基础研究项目“水下无人航行器动力设备振动传递控制方法研究”,主持
2022.11 - 2024.12 中船711所研究项目“推进装置多点弹性支撑动力学模型及耦合关系仿真研究”,主持
2022.07 - 2025.12 上海交通大学新进青年教师启动计划课题“面向精密设备的多自由度超低频主被动隔振方法研究”,主持
2020.08 - 2022.05 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“基于轴向激励主被动控制的水下航行器壳体振动声辐射抑制研究”,主持
[46] 朱琛, 周徐斌, 朱清煜, 应敏晓, 谢溪凌, 刘兴天*. 空间制冷机被动隔振装置设计及仿真[J]. 动力学与控制学报, 2024, 22(09): 89-94.
[45] Shen Y, Xu Y, Xie X, Zhang Z*. A new method for the prediction of vibration responses of thin plates coupled with discontinuous connections[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2025, 223: 111859.
[44] He P, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Vibration suppression of a cylindrical shell structure by transmission path control[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2024.
[43] Xie X, Zheng S, Wang S, Zhang Z*. Multi-degree-of-freedom ultra-low frequency vibration isolation system for precision devices with decoupled control[J]. Measurement, 2024, 237: 115182.
[42] Wu D, Zheng S, Xie X, Zhang Z*. FRF-based optimization strategies of actuator on/off status for active vibration isolation systems in underwater vehicle applications[J]. Marine Structures, 2024, 95: 103603.
[41] 王双立, 贺佩韬, 耿小明, 谢溪凌, 张志谊*. 水下航行器发动机振动传递控制仿真与试验研究[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2023.
[40] 谢溪凌, 任明可, 张志谊*. 基于多自由度控制的线谱振动传递路径控制方法研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2023, 59(21): 224-233.
[39] Ren M, Zheng S, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Investigation on active vibration isolation with multi-axis control: analysis and experiment[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2023.
[38] Xie X, He P, Wu D, Zhang Z*. Ultra-low frequency active vibration isolation in high precision equipment with electromagnetic suspension: Analysis and experiment[J]. Precision Engineering, 2023, 84: 91-101.
[37] 巫頔, 谢溪凌, 张志谊*. 舱段主动隔振系统作动器配置优化[J]. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(01): 91-98.
[36] 贺佩韬, 王双立, 耿小明, 谢溪凌, 张志谊*. 基于压电驱动的圆柱壳内振源振动传递控制[J]. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(01): 246-251.
[35] 郑诗若, 任明可, 谢溪凌, 张志谊*. 基于多自由度控制的主被动隔振器研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(16): 189-195.
[34] 谢溪凌, 董广明, 林枫, 张志谊*, 闻雪友. 船舶动力与传动装置振动控制技术发展研究[J]. 中国工程科学, 2022, 24(6): 1-10.
[33] 黄子祥, 谢溪凌, 张志谊*. 一种高固有频率的三向隔振系统动力学特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(21): 265-271.
[32] Yang D, Qin H, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Suppression of lateral vibration in a shafting system via an auxiliary active magnetic bearing with position control[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022: 09544062221130275.
[31] Ren M, He P, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Active/passive vibration isolation with multi-axis transmission control: Analysis and experiment[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022: 10775463221130919.
[30] Xie X, Yang D, Ren M, Zhang Z*. Vibration transmission control of a flexible shaft-bearing system using active/passive support[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264: 112450.
[29] Yang D, Zhu Y, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Active vibration suppression at bearing pedestals in an elastically supported shafting system via non-contact electromagnetic actuators[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022: 10775463221122119.
[28] 巫頔, 谢溪凌, 张志谊*. 用于推进轴系振动分析的改进数值组装法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(15): 99-104.
[27] Xie X, He P, Wu D, Zhang Z*. Vibration attenuation of a propulsion shafting system by electromagnetic forces: Static thrust force balance and harmonic vibration suppression[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 179: 109406.
[26] Ren M, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Subband reinforced adaptive feedback control algorithm in mechanical vibration control[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022: 10775463211051451.
[25] Xie X, Ren M, Zhu Y, Zhang Z*. Experiments on vibration transmission control in a shaft-hull system excited by propeller forces via an active multi-strut assembly[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2022: 14750902211065850.
[24] Ren M, Xie X, Yang D, Zhang Z*. Active axial vibration control of a shaft-bearing system excited by the dynamic thrust force[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2022: 14750902211070226.
[23] 任明可, 谢溪凌, 黄志伟, 张志谊*. 新型橡胶-电磁复合主被动隔振器研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(23): 32-37.
[22] Xie X, Ren M, Zheng H, Zhang Z*. Active vibration control of a time-varying shafting system using an adaptive algorithm with online auxiliary filter estimation[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 513: 116430.
[21] 蒋圣鹏,黄子祥,谢溪凌,张志谊*. 桨-轴-船艉耦合系统分布式动力吸振器多频优化[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2021, 41(04): 210-214+269.
[20] 朱月月,黄志伟,谢溪凌,张志谊*. 基于主动支承的推进轴系横向振动传递控制方法研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(09): 120-124+151.
[19] Yang D, Xie X, Ren M, Zhang Z*. Active vibration control of a shaft bracket-plate coupled system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2021: 14750902211033262.
[18] Zhu Y, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Investigation on vibration transmission control of a shafting system with active orthogonal support[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2021: 1077546321993583.
[17] Xie X, Yang D, Wu D, Zhang Z*. Theoretical analysis on vibration transmission control in a shaft-hull system excited by propeller forces via an active multi-strut assembly[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 221: 108511.
[16] 谢溪凌, 任明可, 黄修长, 张志谊*. 基于主动艉支承的推进轴系横向振动抑制仿真与实验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(15): 271-276.
[15] Zheng H, Yang D, Xie X, Zhang Z*. An adaptive algorithm for active vibration control of parameter-varying systems with a new online secondary path estimation method[J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27: 705-709.
[14] Xie X, Ren M, Yang D, Zhang Z*. Simulation and experiment on tonal vibration transmission control with a multi-channel global control method[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 138: 106563.
[13] Xie X, Ren M, Zhang Z*. Investigation on an adaptive method for tonal vibration suppression[J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2020, 142(2).
[12] Xie X, Ren M, Zhu Y, Zhang Z*. Simulation and experiment on lateral vibration transmission control of a shafting system with active stern support[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019: 105363.
[11] Qin H, Xie X, Zhang Z*. Influence of electromagnetic bearings on lateral vibrations and sound radiation of a shaft-hull system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2019: 1475090219837408.
[10] Xie X, Qin H, Xu Y, Zhang Z*. Lateral vibration transmission suppression of a shaft-hull system with active stern support[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 172: 501-510.
[9] Xie X, Ren M, Zheng H, Zhang Z*. Investigation on a two-stage platform of large stroke for broadband vertical vibration isolation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(6): 1233-1245.
[8] 谢溪凌, 覃会, 徐颖蕾, 张志谊*. 基于原点速度反馈的推进轴系横向振动传递控制研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(09): 115-122.
[7] Xie X, Diao J, Xu Y, Zhang Z*. Performance of a low-frequency hybrid vibration isolation platform for vibration-sensitive devices. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2018, 37(4): 1164-1175.
[6] Chen Y, Xie X, Huang X, Zhang Z*. Analyses and experiments on a passive vibration isolator composed of a cable network and a fluid damper[J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018, 31(4): 04018033.
[5] 卢琦, 谢溪凌, 刁建超, 张志谊*. 多孔流体阻尼式动力吸振器的动力学建模及实验研究[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2018, 38(01): 58-62.
[4] 刁建超, 谢溪凌, 凌华, 张志谊*. 一种滚动隔震平台动力学建模及实验研究[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2017, 37(05): 13-17.
[3] 谢溪凌, 陈燕毫, 刁建超, 张志谊*. 波纹管-黏滞流体隔振器特性与实验[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2017, 37(04): 201-205+230.
[2] 谢溪凌,王超新,陈燕毫,张志谊*. 一种Stewart隔振平台的动力学建模及实验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(12): 201-207.
[1] Wang C, Xie X, Chen Y, Zhang Z*. Investigation on active vibration isolation of a Stewart platform with piezoelectric actuators[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 383: 1-19.
[30] Xie X, Zhang Z, Wei M, Jing B, Zhang Z. Low frequency vibration isolation combining broadband and harmonic control for space precision loads[C]. The 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV30), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2024.
[29] Zhu Y, Xie X, Zhang Z. Investigation on lateral vibration transmission control of a shaft-hull system with a piezoelectric actuator support[C]. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2023, 268(5): 3034-3040.
[28] 谢溪凌, 郑诗若, 王双立, 章振华, 张志谊. 多自由度超低频宽带主被动隔振方法研究[C]. 第十五届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 成都, 10月, 2023.
[27] Zheng S, Wang S, Xie X, Zhang Z. Investigation on an active/passive isolator with multiple electromagnetic actuators[C]. The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2023.
[26] Wu D, He P, Xie X, Zhang Z. Optimization of actuator allocation in active vibration control[C]. The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2023.
[25] He P, Geng X, Xie X, Zhang Z. Vibration control of a cylindrical hull with piezoelectric actuators[C]. The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2023.
[24] Xie X, Zheng S, Wang S, Zhang Z. Investigation on a 6-DOF ultra-low frequency vibration isolation system for precision equipment[C]. The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2023.
[23] 贺佩韬, 王双立, 耿小明, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 基于压电作动器的圆柱壳体振动传递控制研究[C]. 第三十届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议, 西安, 7月, 2023.
[22] 谢溪凌, 贺佩韬, 王双立, 章振华, 张志谊. 电磁悬浮辅助的超低频主被动隔振方法研究[C]. 第三十届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议, 西安, 7月, 2023.
[21] Yang D, Wu D, Xie X, Zhang Z. Active lateral vibration control in a shaft-plate coupled system with power flow analysis[C]. The 1st International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics (1st ICMSD), Nanjing, China, August, 2022.
[20] Wu D, He P, Xie X, Zhang Z. Optimization of vibration control paths in a large structural system[C]. The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), Singapore, July 2022.
[19] Yang D, Wu D, Xie X, Zhang Z. Active lateral vibration control in a shaft-plate coupled system with power flow analysis[C]. The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), Singapore, July 2022.
[18] Xie X, Zheng S, Wang S, Zhang Z. Longitudinal vibration transmission control of the flexible shafting system with an auxiliary electromagnetic support[C]. The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), Singapore, July 2022.
[17] Zhu Y, Yang D, Xie X, Zhang Z. Vibration transmission control of a shafting system with an active orthogonal support[C]. The 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV27), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2021.
[16] Xie X, Ren M, Wu D, Zhang Z. Investigation on lateral vibration transmission control of a propeller-shaft-hull system due to propeller forces[C]. The 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV27), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2021.
[15] 谢溪凌, 任明可, 杨德权, 张志谊. 基于主被动减振支承的轴系横向振动传递控制研究[C]. 第二十九届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议, 重庆, 4月, 2021.
[14] 巫頔, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 基于改进数值组装法的推进轴系振动分析[C]. 第二十九届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议, 重庆, 4月, 2021.
[13] 任明可, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 基于子带加强自适应算法的轴系纵振控制[C]. 第二十九届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议, 重庆, 4月, 2021.
[12] 杨德权, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. V形支承振动传递主动控制原理研究[C]. 第二十九届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议, 重庆, 4月, 2021.
[11] 谢溪凌, 任明可, 黄修长, 张志谊. 基于主动艉支承的推进轴系横向振动抑制仿真与实验研究[C]. 第十三届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 西安, 11月, 2019.
[10] 任明可, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 双层主被动隔振器振动传递路径的研究[C]. 第十三届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 西安, 11月, 2019.
[9] Xie X, Ren M, Jing B, Zhang Z. Experiment on an adaptive method for tonal vibration suppression[C]. The 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26), Montreal, Canada, July 2019.
[8] Ren M, Xie X, Zhu Y, Zhang Z. Investigation on a new passive/active vibration isolator[C]. The 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26), Montreal, Canada, July 2019.
[7] Xie X, Diao J, Jing B, Zhang Z. A two-stage vibration isolation platform for broadband vibration control[C]. The 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25), Hiroshima, Japan, July 2018.
[6] 陈燕毫, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 中心辐射型平面索网隔振器的模态分析[C]. 第十二届全国振动理论及应用学术会议. 南宁, 10月, 2017.
[5] 谢溪凌,刁建超,徐颖蕾,章振华,张志谊. 三向隔振平台动力学建模与实验研究[C]. 第十二届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 南宁, 10月, 2017.
[4] Xie X, Wang C, Zhang Z. Modeling and control of a hybrid passive/active Stewart vibration isolation platform[C]. The 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE 2017), Hong Kong, China, August 2017.
[3] Zheng H, Xie X, Zhang Z. Longitudinal vibration control of a time-varying shafting system based on a dynamic interpolating adaptive method[C]. The 6th Symposium on Mechanics of Slender Structures, Shanghai, China, 2016.
[2] 王超新,谢溪凌,张志谊. 基于压电驱动型Stewart平台的微振动控制[C]. 第十六届模态振型分析与实验会议, 天津, 8月, 2016.
[1] Wang C, Xie X, Chen Y, Zhang Z. Active vibration isolation of a Stewart platform with piezoelectric actuators[C]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2016, 744(1): 012006.
[10] 王俊芳, 谢溪凌, 林健富, 杜彦良, 任伟新, 周海俊, 等. 一种多自由度隔振系统[P]. ZL202110934380.6.
[9] 黄子祥, 谢溪凌. 隔振装置及隔振系统[P]. ZL202111029033.5.
[8] 谢溪凌, 杨德权, 任明可, 张志谊. 一种用于轴系纵向振动控制的电磁减振推力支承[P]. ZL202110424068.2.
[7] 谢溪凌, 黄志伟, 杨德权, 张志谊. 用于轴系横向振动传递控制的主被动减振支承装置[P]. ZL202110970383.5.
[6] 谢溪凌, 覃会, 郑洪波, 张志谊. 支承组件及电磁驱动的主动杆式艉支承[P]. ZL201910387096.4.
[5] 任明可, 谢溪凌, 朱月月, 张志谊. 一种主被动隔振器及动力设备[P]. ZL201811454346.3.
[4] 谢溪凌, 徐颖蕾, 陈燕毫, 张志谊. 一种液压驱动的八足推力轴承基座[P]. ZL201611052707.2.
[3] 陈燕毫, 王超新, 卢琦, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 一种含有流体阻尼的双层网结构减振器[P]. ZL201610297905.9.
[2] 谢溪凌, 王超新, 李乔博, 张志谊. 一种电磁驱动的Stewart主被动一体隔振平台[P]. ZL201510583386.8.
[1] 胡睢宁, 张振果, 谢溪凌, 张志谊. 一种对称型电磁作动器[P]. ZL201510244814.4.
2025.01 上海市振动工程学会英才奖
2024.10 第10届机械工程与航空航天工程国际会议(MEAE 2024)杰出贡献奖
2023.10 第十五届全国振动理论及应用学术会议优秀论文奖(一作)
2021.04 第29届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议优秀论文奖(一作)
2020.11 上海市超级博士后激励计划
2019.12 上海交通大学优秀毕业生
2019.11 第十三届全国振动理论及应用学术会议优秀论文奖(一作)
2017.10 第十二届全国振动理论及应用学术会议优秀论文奖(一作)
2016.08 第十六届全国模态分析与试验学术会议优秀论文奖(二作)