







2016.09-2021.06  上海交通大学  博士
2012.09-2016.07  江苏大学        学士


2023.06至今          上海交通大学  助理研究员
2021.06-2023.06  上海交通大学   博士后(合作导师:陈江平,彭颖红)
2018.06-2019.01  奥地利OBRIST ENGINEERING  访问学者


新型环保制冷剂替代开发(CO2,  R290, 新型混合工质)


Peer-Review Referee for Renewable and sustainable energy review, Energy, Applied Energy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Refrigeration
Applied energy CUE2023国际学术会议分会场主席,日本
21ˢᵗ International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 分会场主席,上海
16th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2024) 分会场主席,日本



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“梯度三周期极小曲面热学超材料流动传热机理与优化研究”2024.01-2026.12,负责人

  2. 上海交通大学学生创新中心“生物材料医工交叉研究及转化中心(基地)”2024-2026,工科负责人

  3. 国家重点实验室开放基金项目“面向碳中和的电动汽车热泵环保制冷剂全生命周期气候性能模型与减排评估”2023.06-2024.06,负责人

  4. 上海交通大学医工交叉基金项目“盆底聚丙烯网片钛金属界面生物力学调控技术的临床应用研究“ 2023.01-2025.12,工科负责人

  5. 上海交通大学新进教师启动计划项目,2023.06-2026.12,负责人

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 "基于微流体操控技术的细胞膜功能性冻存损伤抑制研究及肝脏部分冻结探索" 2024.01-2027.12,主要参与(排2)

  7. 上海交通大学医工交叉基金项目 "聚丙烯补片表面钛涂层处理及金属微量掺杂工艺在腹壁疝临床手术中的应用研究" 2022.01-2024.12,主要参与(排2)

  8. 企业横向课题:新能源车用R290集成式热管理系统开发,2024-2025,负责人

  9. 企业横向课题:燃料电池重卡热管理集成方案设计,2024-2025,负责人

  10. 企业横向课题:集成热管理系统续航里程仿真模型,2024,负责人

  11. 企业横向课题(国际合作):新制冷剂电动汽车热泵系统开发及台架和整车性能研究,2025,负责人




1. Jiaxuan Wang,..., Binbin Yu. Experimental and numerical analysis of functionally graded hybrid TPMS heat exchangers for enhanced flow and thermal performance. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 125528.

13. Jiaxuan Wang,..., Binbin Yu. Numerical and experimental investigation of additive manufactured heat exchanger using triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS). Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2024, 55, 103007.                                              
12. Ruixin Ma, ...Binbin Yu, Jiangping Chen. Natural convection characteristics of novel immersion liquid applied to battery thermal management in static mode. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 101, 113927.
11. Jiaxuan Wang,..., Binbin Yu. Design and optimization of additive manufactured Fischer-Koch-structured heat exchanger for enhanced heat transfer efficiency. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 159, 108078.
10. Chenyi Qian,..., Binbin Yu. Numerical and experimental investigation of ultra-compact triply periodic minimal surface heat exchangers with high efficiency. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 233, 125984.
9. Xiang Qiu,..., Binbin Yu. Experimental Study on System Characteristics of Vapor Compression Refrigeration System Using Small-Scale, Gas-Bearing Oil-Free Centrifugal Compressor. Energy, 2024, 132690.
8. Chenyi Qian, Binbin Yu, Zhenhong Ye, et al. Influence of Water-Solid Interaction and Surface Charge on Thermal Resistance Length. J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.) (2024).
7. Weicheng Xuan, ..., Binbin Yu, Junye Shi, Jiangping Chen. Numerical simulation and thermodynamic test analysis of plate heat exchanger based on topology optimization. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 123882.
6. Junan Long, Binbin Yu, Dandong Wang, et al. Calibration and Validation of a Modified Non-equilibrium Boiling Model for Transcritical Flashing Flow in Two-phase R744 Nozzles. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2024, 165: 97-110.
5. Li A, Yu B, Zhang Y, Ouyang H, Guo Z, Shi J, Chen J. The emission reduction potential and cost-effectiveness of low-GWP refrigerants in electric vehicle air conditionings. Carbon Footprints. 2024; 3(1): 6.
4. Chenyi Qian, ..., Binbin Yu. Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of copper heat exchangers based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS). International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 152(107292). (ESI高被引)
3. Binbin Yu, Long J, Zhang Y, et al. Life cycle climate performance evaluation (LCCP) of electric vehicle heat pumps using low-GWP refrigerants towards China's carbon neutrality. Applied Energy, 2024, 353:122061.
2. Chenyi Qian, Binbin Yu, Zhenhong Ye, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of interfacial heat transfer characteristics of CO2, R32 and CO2/R32 binary zeotropic mixture on a smooth substrate. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2024, 157:186-198.
1. Xia Song, ...,Binbin Yu, et al. Energetic performance and life cycle carbon emission of CO2 automotive air conditioning system with an evaporative gas cooler and a dual-evaporator configuration in China. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 239:122060.

1. Junan Long, Binbin Yu, Dandong Wang, et al. A novel relaxation drift model for simulating liquid-vapor momentum non-equilibrium in two-phase ejectors. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 52:103758.
2. Jiaxuan Wang, Binbin Yu, Chenyi Qian, et al. Experimental study on the boiling heat transfer characteristics of a pump-driven two-phase cooling loop system for high heat flux avionics. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2023, 45: 102150.
3. Binbin Yu, Chenyi Qian, Hongsheng Ouyang, et al. New Low-GWP Refrigerants for Electric Vehicle Heat Pump with Superior Comprehensive Performance. SAE Technical Paper, 2023-01-0131.
4. Zhenhong Ye, ...,Binbin Yu, et al. The effect of surface nucleation modulation on the mechanical and biocompatibility of metal-polymer biomaterials. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023, 11:1160351.
5. Qiang Lei, Xia Song, Binbin Yu, et al. Energetic performance evaluation of an automotive CO2 air conditioning system with a dual-evaporator configuration. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2023, 152: 356-368.
6. Taiwei Liu, Zhenhong Ye, Binbin Yu, et al. Biomechanical behaviors and visco-hyperelastic mechanical properties of human hernia patches with polypropylene mesh. Mechanics of Materials, 2023, 176:104529.
7. Yu Cai, ...,Binbin Yu, et al. Polymeric nanocomposites for electrocaloric refrigeration. Frontiers in Energy, 2023, 17:450-462.
8. 俞彬彬,龙俊安,王丹东等.电动汽车热泵全生命周期气候性能评估模型与环保制冷剂减排分析[J].科学通报,2023,68(07):841-852.
9. 袁昊瑞,宋霞,俞彬彬等.带余热回收的CO2车用热泵系统实验研究[J].制冷学报,2023,44(02):54-60.

1. Xia Song, Binbin Yu, Yun Zhang, et al. An investigation of the thermodynamic improvement potential of a transcritical automotive CO2 refrigeration cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 216:119137.
2. Xia Song, ...,Binbin Yu, et al. Energy and exergy analyses of a transcritical CO2 air conditioning system for an electric bus. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 190:116819.

1. Binbin Yu, Ouyang H, Shi J, et al. Experimental evaluation of cycle performance for new-developed refrigerants in the electric vehicle heat pump systems. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021, 129:118-127.
2. Binbin Yu, Ouyang H, Shi J, et al. Evaluation of low-GWP and mildly flammable mixtures as new alternatives for R410A in air-conditioning and heat pump system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021, 121:95-104.

1. Binbin Yu, Yang J, Shi J, et al. Molecular simulation on the interaction between polypropylene glycol dimethyl ether and trans-1233zd. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 115:48-55.
2. Binbin Yu, Yang J, Wang D, et al. An updated review of recent advances on modified technologies in transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle. Energy, 2019, 189: 116147.
3. Binbin Yu, Yang J, Wang D, et al. Experimental energetic analysis of CO2/R41 blends in automobile air-conditioning and heat pump systems. Applied Energy, 2019, 239:1142-1153.
4. Binbin Yu, Yang J, Wang D, et al. Energy consumption and increased EV range evaluation through heat pump scenarios and low GWP refrigerants in the new test procedure WLTP. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 100:284-294.
5. Yufeng Wang, Dandong Wang, Binbin Yu, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation of a CO2 heat pump system for electrical vehicle with series gas cooler configuration. International journal of refrigeration, 2019, 100:156-166.
6. Fuzheng Jiang, Yufeng Wang, Binbin Yu, et al. Effects of various operating conditions on the performance of a CO2 air conditioning system for trains. International journal of refrigeration, 2019, 107:105-113.
7. Yang J, Binbin Yu, Ye Z, et al. Experimental investigation of the impact of lubricant oil ratio on subcritical organic Rankine cycle for low-temperature waste heat recovery. Energy, 2019, 188:116099.
8. Yang J, Binbin Yu, Chen J. Improved genetic algorithm-based prediction of a CO2 Micro-Channel Gas-Cooler against experimental data in automobile air conditioning system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 106:517-525.
9. Wang D, Wang Y, Binbin Yu, Shi J, Chen J. Numerical study on heat transfer performance of micro-channel gas coolers for automobile CO2 heat pump systems. International Journal of Refrigeration, 106, 2019, 639-649.
10. Wang D, Zhang Z, Binbin Yu, et al. Experimental research on charge determination and accumulator behavior in trans-critical CO2 mobile air-conditioning system. Energy, 2019, 183:106-115.
11. Wang D, Shi J, Binbin Yu, Chen J. Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gas Cooler in a CO2 Automobile Heat Pump System, SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0912, 2019, doi:10.4271/2019-01-0912.
12. Binbin Yu, Wang D, Liu C, et al. Performance improvements evaluation of an automobile air conditioning system using CO2-propane mixture as a refrigerant. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2018, 88:172-181.
13. Binbin Yu, Yang J, Wang D, et al. Modeling and theoretical analysis of a CO2-propane autocascade heat pump for electrical vehicle heating. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2018, 95:146-155.
14. Dandong Wang, Binbin Yu, Wanyong Li, et al. Heating performance evaluation of a CO2 heat pump system for an electrical vehicle at cold ambient temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 142:656-664.
15.  俞彬彬,王丹东,向伟等.跨临界CO2电动汽车空调系统性能分析[J].上海交通大学学报,2019,53(07):866-872.
16. 王丹东,陈江平,俞彬彬等.CO2车用热泵空调系统技术研发及性能提升[J].制冷学报,2018,39(05):47-52.
17. 俞彬彬,朱建民,王丹东等.基于蒸发温度的汽车空调蒸发器除霜判定方法研究[J].汽车程,2018,40(08):989-996.
18. 王丹东,张科,俞彬彬等.适用于-20℃环境的CO2汽车热泵系统的开发及性能测试[J].制冷学报,2018,39(02):14-21.
19. 俞彬彬,王丹东,陈江平.出口过热度对CO2微通道蒸发器性能的影响[J].制冷学报,2018,39(03):31-38.

1.Binbin Yu, Yingjing Zhang, Hongsheng Ouyang, et al. Quantifying the Net Transportation Emissions Reduction from Electric Vehicle Heat Pumps for China cities over time. CUE2023-Applied Energy Symposium, MATSUE & TOKYO, Japan, SEP 2-7, 2023. (担任分会场主席)
2.Binbin Yu, Junye Shi, Jiangping Chen, et al. Life Cycle Climate Performance Evaluation (LCCP) of Low-GWP Refrigerants for Electric Vehicle Heat Pump Towards Carbon Neutrality. CEN2022-Applied Energy Symposium, Ningbo, China, April 23-25, 2022.
3.Binbin Yu, Jingye Yang, Dandong Wang, et al. Performance enhancement research of a CO2 air conditioning system with propane mechanical subcooling for electric vehicle. The 9th Asian conference on refrigeration and air-conditioning, Sapporo, Japan, June 10-14, 2018.
4.Binbin Yu, Dandong Wang, Fuzheng Jiang, et al. Performance Evaluation of An Automobile Air Conditioning System Using Low GWP CO2-based Binary Zeotropic Refrigerants. The 6th International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration, Shanghai, China, April 12-14.
5.李安然,俞彬彬,陈江平. 双碳背景下的汽车空调及能源管理[C]//中国制冷学会.“2022年双碳背景下中国制冷技术研究及应用进展论坛”会议论文集. 2023:11.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.026006.
6. 第十四届国际电子散热技术研讨会,作大会报告,东莞,2023.02.20-02.21;
7. 第三届HFO制冷剂及低GWP混合工质国际会议,作大会报告,上海,2023.04.06;
8. 第六届传热传质青年学术论坛,作分会场会议报告,东莞,2023.04.15;
9. 第三届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议,作分会场会议报告,上海,2023.07.31;
10. 2023中国汽车工程学会 汽车空气动力学分会学术年会,作大会报告,深圳,2023.09.08;
11. 第二届含氟温室气体论坛,作大会报告,北京,2023.09.19;
12. 中国汽车工程学会/比亚迪汽车工程研究院 首届新能源汽车热管理技术青年沙龙,深圳,2023.12.16;


1.俞彬彬; 高天元; 杨婧烨; 王丹东; 施骏业; 陈江平; 孙宇航; 张晟昊; 李万勇; 陈海忠. CO2捕集装置、CO2转换装置及碳捕集分体式空调系统, ZL 202020533755.9.
2.俞彬彬; 欧阳洪生; 郭智恺; 刘武灿; 施骏业; 陈江平. 基于CO2混合制冷剂的闪蒸系统, ZL 202011425734.6.
3.俞彬彬; 杨婧烨; 高天元; 王丹东; 施骏业; 陈江平; 孙宇航; 张晟昊; 李万勇; 陈海忠. 非共沸制冷剂自复叠热泵空调系统, ZL 202020539861.8.
4.俞彬彬; 施骏业; 王丹东; 陈江平. 一种空调压缩机噪声检测设备, ZL 202223414647.8.
5.俞彬彬; 陈江平; 施骏业; 王丹东; 郭照亮. 基于制冷剂喷射循环的车用冷却系统及其工作方法, ZL 202310987838.3.
6.俞彬彬; 王丹东; 杨婧烨; 柳慈翀; 蒋甫政; 王雨风; 张振宇; 高天元; 施骏业; 陈江平. 带回热装置的并行压缩式CO2汽车热泵空调系统, ZL 201910121025.X.
7.俞彬彬; 陈江平; 施骏业; 王丹东; 郭照亮. 一种集成于汽车底盘的电池模块, ZL 202310994934.0.
8.柳慈翀; 张子琦; 高天元; 俞彬彬; 施骏业; 陈江平. 汽车热回收空调系统,ZL 201711320217.0
9.施骏业; 陈江平; 高天元; 李园园; 陆冰清; 俞彬彬; 王丹东; 李万勇; 陈海忠. 便携式车载杀菌设备, ZL 202020365467.7
10.施骏业; 王丹东; 俞彬彬; 陈江平; 陈海忠; 张晨思. 电动汽车用能量流管理机及其工作方法, ZL 202211155767.2.
11.施骏业; 王丹东; 俞彬彬; 陈江平. 空调风机振动测试台, ZL 202223142198.6.
12.王丹东; 俞彬彬; 张耘; 施骏业; 陈江平; 陈海忠. 一种气体旁通微通道蒸发器, ZL201710174209.3.
13.王丹东; 施骏业; 俞彬彬; 张耘; 李万勇; 陈江平; 陈海忠. 一种具有表面张力式槽体的气液分离器, ZL 201710174641.2.
