个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianyu-Zhang-4 http:/teacher_directory2/zhangxianyu.html
2013.08-2015.07 徐工集团,铲运机械事业部
2015.09-2020.06 上海交通大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,博士/助教
2020.08-至今 上海交通大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,助理研究员
智能制造(Smart Manufacturing)
大规模个性化定制(Mass Personalization, MP)
智能产品服务系统(Smart Product Service System, SPSS)
1、国际SCI期刊《Sustainability》首席客座编辑(Chief Guest Editor):(1)专刊:可持续智能制造与服务(Sustainable Smart Manufacturing and Service);(2)专刊:可持续智能制造与企业数字化转型(Sustainable Smart Manufacturing and Enterprise Digital Transformation)。
2、期刊《Journal of Modern Industry and Manufacturing》、期刊《Information System and Smart City》、期刊《Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology》编委会成员(Editorial Board Member)。
3、期刊《Mechatronics Technology》、《AI and Autonomous Systems》、《Advanced Manufacturingl》青年编委。
10、IJPR,JIM,AIE,CIE,ACM Computing Surveys,JCLP,EIS,IEEE transaction等国际SCI期刊审稿人。
1. 2024.1-2027.12,国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 面向“客户与智能产品交互价值网络”的大规模个性化服务演化规律(国家纵向),主持;
2. 2023.12-2024.10,数字化转型研究(国家纵向),主持;
3. 2023.12-2024.11,大规模个性化定制系统与技术全国重点实验室开放课题,大规模个性化服务协同网络构建与优化方法研究(纵向),主持;
4. 2023.8-2025.7,大规模个性化定制系统与技术全国重点实验室开放课题,开放化动态社群环境下的大规模个性化定制服务多主体高效协作(纵向),主持;
5. 2022.1-2023.12,上海市2021-2022年促进产业高质量发展专项资金, 面向自动化陆港的数字化码头生产管控系统(纵向),主持;
6. 2024..01-2026.12,上海市工业互联网创新发展专项, 面向个性化定制的集成电路基材生产网络化协同,合作单位负责人;
7. 2024.01-2026.12,上海市工业互联网创新发展专项, 华谊化工行业工业大数据平台(纵向),合作单位负责人;
8. 2024.1-2026.12,上海市服务引导资金专项,汽车底盘电子可定制数字化综合技术服务平台,合作单位负责人;;
9. 2023.6-2024.6,产学研合作项目,海洋大数据知识图谱平台,中国海洋装备工程科技发展战略研究院,主持;
10. 2023.3-2023.12,产学研合作项目,面向互联网+营销云平台的制造执行系统(MES)建设体系技术评估,主持;
11. 2022.6-2023.5,产学研合作项目,面向制造装备的企业数字化转型顶层设计项目,主持;
12. 2020.8-2023.12,新进教师启动计划,工业互联网环境下个性化产品开放化协同设计方法与技术研究,上海交通大学,主持。
[1] 2017.1-2021.12,国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 71632008, 基于价值链重构的互联网环境下制造业企业转型升级研究, 参与
[2] 2022.01-2025.12,国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 52175476, 考虑加工精度的离散制造系统生产计划与视情维修联合优化, 参与
[3] 海洋工程装备智能制造综合标准化试验验证,2015年国家工信部智能制造专项,2015.5-2017.4,参与;
[4] 空调压缩机大规模定制生产智能制造新模式,2016年国家工业转型升级,2016.11-2018.10,参与;
[5] 新能源汽车混合动力变速器智能制造新模式应用,2017年国家工业转型升级,2017.01-2020.12,参与;
[6] 大型海工起重装备智能制造新模式应用,2017年国家工业转型升级(中国制造2025),2017.01-2019.12,参与;
[7] 港口集装箱起重机远程故障模式识别与预测性维护标准研究与试验验证,2018年国家智能制造综合标准化与新模式应用,2018.01-2020.12,参与;
[8] 智能化港口大型成套装备绿色供应链标准体系建设及示范应用,2016年国家绿色制造系统集成项目,2016.01-2018.12,参与;
[9] 高新技术船舶动力系统绿色设计平台建设,2017年国家工业转型升级(中国制造2025),2017.01-2019.12,参与;
[10] 彩色滤光片质量追溯大数据分析示范应用,2016上海市信息化发展专项资金(大数据发展),2016.01-2018.12,参与;
[11] 轮胎产品设计优化大数据分析创新实践,2016上海市信息化发展专项资金(大数据发展,2016.01-2018.12,参与;
[12] 商用车基于供需对接的个性化定制,2017年上海市工业互联网创新发展专项,2017.01-2019.12,参与;
[13] 基于智能电梯互联的服务化延伸,2017年上海市工业互联网创新发展专项,2017.01-2019.12,参与;
[14] 基于企业互联的节能与新能源汽车变速器网络化协同与应用,2017年上海市工业互联网创新发展专项,2017.01-2020.12,参与;
[15] 基于工业互联网的船舶动力系统集成解决方案推广,2017年上海市工业互联网创新发展专项,2017.01-2019.12,参与;
[16] 上海市区块链技术发展态势及应用前景研究,2018上海市决策咨询委员会招标课题(科委),2018.01-2018.12,参与;
[17] 节能与新能源汽车变速器可定制化综合技术服务平台,2023年上海市服务业引导专项,2023.01-2024.12,参与。
[18] 面向数字化集成创新的自动化港口链主工业互联网平台,2023年上海市经信委工业互联网+专项,2023.01-2024.12,参与;
[19] 智能冰箱产品技术架构和基础研发流程研究,2023.01-2024.12,产学研横向项目,参与;
[20] 工业大数据算法开发及应用,产学研横向项目,2023.01-2024.12,参与;
[21] 深度学习算法开发及应用,产学研横向项目,2023.01-2024.12,参与。
[1] Zhang X(张先燏), Sheng G, Chen L, Lu X, Ming X, and Qiu S. A smart system of Mass Personalization Product Service System (MP-PSS) driven by industrial modular configuration [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2024, 62: 102758.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[2] Zhang X(张先燏), Sheng G, Chen L, Lu X, Ming X, and Qiu S. Hybrid order priority confirmation and production batch optimization for mass personalization flexible manufacturing (MPFM) model [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2024, 62: 102739.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[3] Zhang X(张先燏), Sheng G, Chen L, Lu X, Ming X, and Qiu S. An innovative model of personalized product service system (PPSS) for open community collaborative supply (OCCS): ion, configuration, and optimization [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024, 436: 140639.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[4] Zhang X(张先燏), Chen L, Sheng G, Lu X, and Ming X. An innovation service system and personalized recommendation for Customer-product Interaction Life Cycle in smart product service system [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 398: 136470.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[5] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Bao Y, Liao X. Online merchant resource allocation and matching for open community collaborative manufacturing (OCCM) in mass personalization model [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2023, 55: 101872.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[6] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. A smart system of Customer Interaction Life Cycle (CILC) in industrial Internet era for mass personalization from industrial practice survey: identification, definition, acquisition and parsing [J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-022-02070-4.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊<发表年>)
[7] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Bao Y. A flexible smart manufacturing system in mass personalization manufacturing model based on multi-module-platform, multi-virtual-unit, and multi-production-line [J]. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2022, 171: 108379.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[8] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Bao Y, Liao X. Industrial Internet Platform (IIP) enabled Smart Product Lifecycle-Service System (SPLSS) for manufacturing model transformation: from an industrial practice survey [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022, 52: 101633.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[9] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. Comprehensive understanding of smart product service system from multi-dimension and multi-perspective: An innovative service model for Customer-product Interaction Life Cycle (CILC). Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022, 52: 101619. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[10] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Bao Y, Liao X. System construction for comprehensive industrial ecosystem oriented networked collaborative manufacturing platform (NCMP) based on three chains [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022, 52: 101538. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[11] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. Implementation path and reference framework for Industrial Internet Platform (IIP) in product service system using industrial practice investigation method. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022, 51: 101481. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,交大A/B档)
[12] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. A Smart system in Manufacturing with Mass Personalization (S-MMP) for blueprint & scenario driven by industrial model transformation [J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-021-01883-z.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊<发表年>)
[13] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Bao Y, Liao X, Miao R. Networking-enabled product service system (N-PSS) in collaborative manufacturing platform for mass personalization model. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2022, 163: 107805.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[14] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. An implementation for Smart Manufacturing Information System (SMIS) from an industrial practice survey. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2021, 151: 106938. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[15] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. Further expansion from Smart Manufacturing System (SMS) to Smart Manufacturing Implementation System (SMIS): industrial application scenarios and evaluation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021;115(11-12):3791-3809.(SCI,中科院3区)
[16] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. A comprehensive industrial practice for Industrial Internet Platform (IIP): General model, reference architecture, and industrial verification. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2021, 158: 107426.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[17] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Yin D. Application of industrial big data for smart manufacturing in product service system based on system engineering using fuzzy DEMATEL [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265: 121863. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[18] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X. Reference subsystems for Smart Manufacturing Collaborative System (SMCS) from multi-processes, multi-intersections and multi-operators [J]. Enterprise Information Systems, 2020, 14(3): 282-307.(SCI,中科院2区<发表年>)
[19] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Yin D. Reference architecture of common service platform for Industrial Big Data (I-BD) based on multi-party co-construction [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105(5-6): 1949-65.(SCI,中科院3区)
[20] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Qu Y. Top-level scenario planning and overall framework of smart manufacturing implementation system (SMIS) for enterprise [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(9-12): 3835-48.(SCI,中科院3区)
[21] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Zheng M, Qu Y. A new customization model for enterprises based on improved framework of customer to business: A case study in automobile industry [J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(3).(SCI,中科院4区)
[22] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Yin D, Chen Z, Chang Y. A reference framework and overall planning of industrial artificial intelligence (I-AI) for new application scenarios [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 101(9-12): 2367-89. (SCI,中科院3区)
[23] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Yin D, Chen Z. A reference system of smart manufacturing talent education (SMTE) in China [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 100(9-12): 2701-14. (SCI,中科院3区)
[24] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Qu Y, Yin D. State-of-the-art review of customer to business (C2B) model [J]. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2019, 132(207-22.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[25] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Qu Y, Yin D. An overall framework and subsystems for smart manufacturing integrated system (SMIS) from multi-layers based on multi-perspectives [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103(1-4): 703-22. (SCI,中科院3区)
[26] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Qu Y, Yin D. A framework and implementation of Customer Platform-connection manufactory to service (CPMS) model in product service system [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 230(798-819. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[27] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Liu Z, Qu Y, Yin D. General reference model and overall frameworks for green manufacturing [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 237. (SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊)
[28] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Qiu S. Top-level planning of smart system in manufacturing with mass personalization (MMP): System model, application blueprint, application scenarios, and implementation path; proceedings of the TMCE 2020, F, 2020 [C].(EI国际会议)
[29] Zhang X(张先燏), Ming X, Chen Z. Integration of AI technologies and logistics robots in unmanned port: A framework and application; proceedings of the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, F, 2018 [C].(EI国际会议)
[30] Bao Y, Zhang X(张先燏), Wang C, Ming X. Further expansion from Smart Manufacturing System (SMS) to Social Smart Manufacturing System (SSMS) based on industrial internet [J]. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2024, 191: 110119.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,通讯作者)
[31] Bao Y, Ming X , Chen Z, Zhou T, Zhang X(张先燏). How to enable Human-centric Collaboration in Social Product Development paradigm: A practical and theoretical exploration [J]. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2024, 198: 110632.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,通讯作者)
[32] Liao X, Wang C, Qiu S, Zhang X(张先燏), Jiang Z, Ming X, and Xia M. A Neural-Symbolic Model for Fan Interpretable Fault Diagnosis On Steel Production Lines [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2024, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3363654.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,共同通讯作者)
[33] Bao Y, Zhang X(张先燏), Chen Z, Zhou T, and Ming X. Platform service portfolio management (PSPM) of social digitalization platform for cloud-based collaborative product development ecosystem: A structural approach [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024, 62: 102854.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,共同通讯作者)
[34] Wang C, Ming X, Gao X, and Zhang X(张先燏). Implementation path and reference model for Multilateral Data Circulation System (MDCS) in Datacentric Product Service System (DPSS) from an industrial practice survey [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024, 64: 103085.(SCI,中科院1区-TOP期刊,通讯作者)
[35] Tong Q, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏). Construction of Sustainable Digital Factory for Automated Warehouse Based on Integration of ERP and WMS [J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(2), 1022.(通讯作者)
[36] Tong Q, Ming X, Zheng M, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. An Innovative Model of Smart Product Service Ecosystem (SPSE) on Sustainability: Survival System Model, Value Emerges, and a Case Study [J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(19), 12361.(通讯作者)
[37] Tong Q, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏). The Realization for Automated Warehouse Based on the Integration of ERP and WMS; proceedings of the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, F, 2020 [C].(通讯作者)
[38] GuoJun Sheng ,Chenggang Qin, LuCheng Chen, XiaoPing Lu, Jiahao Xu, Haoming Luo, Zhang X(张先燏). A Timewindow-based Multi-AGV Path Planning Method Using Improved A Star Algorithm; proceedings of the IEEE 7th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, F, 2024 [C].(通讯作者)
[39] 孙金余,吴乐,罗浩铭,张先燏.面向自动化港口的智能生产管控集成系统框架研究[J]. 港工技术, 2024(已录用).(通讯作者)
[40] 罗浩铭,冷松乐,张先燏.基于混合遗传算法的自动化港口箱位指派研究[J]. 港工技术, 2024(已录用).(通讯作者)
[41] 童庆飞,明新国,张先燏.企业数字化转型及营销体系研究 [J]. 科技创新与应用, 2024,14(12):90-95. (通讯作者)
[42] 张先燏,工业与人工智能深度融合是必由之路[J].张江科技评论,2022(02):51.
[43] Chang Y, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏), and Bao Y. Modularization Design for Smart Industrial Service Ecosystem: A Framework Based on the Smart Industrial Service Identification Blueprint and Hypergraph Clustering [J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(11), 8858.
[44] Bao Y, Zhang X(张先燏), Zhou T, et al. Application of Industrial Internet for Equipment Asset Management in Social Digitalization Platform Based on System Engineering Using Fuzzy DEMATEL-TOPSIS [J]. Machines, 2022, 10(12), 1137.
[45] Chen Z, Zhou T, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. Configuration optimization of service solution for smart product service system under hybrid uncertain environments [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022, 52.
[46] Qu Y, Ming X, Qiu S, Liu Z, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. Process optimization through closed-loop Kaizen with discrete event simulation: A case study in China [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2021, 235(3): 568-79.
[47] Chang Y, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. Servitization and Sustainable Value Creation Strategy for China’s Manufacturing Industry: A Multiple Case Study in the Belt and Road Initiative [J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13(20), 11334.
[48] Yin D, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏). Understanding data-driven cyber-physical-social system (D-CPSS) using a 7c framework in social manufacturing context [J]. Sensors (Switzerland), 2020, 20(18): 1-19.
[49] Yin D, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏). Sustainable and smart product innovation ecosystem: An integrative status review and future perspectives [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 274.
[50] Yin D, Ming X, Liu Z, and Zhang X(张先燏). A fuzzy ANP-QFD methodology for determining stakeholders in product-service systems development from ecosystem perspective [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(8).
[51] Liu Z, Ming X, Qiu S, Qu Y, and Zhang X(张先燏). A framework with hybrid approach to analyse system requirements of smart PSS toward customer needs and co-creative value propositions [J]. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2020, 139.
[52] Chen Z, Lu M, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. Explore and evaluate innovative value propositions for smart product service system: A novel graphics-based rough-fuzzy DEMATEL method [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 243.
[53] Qu Y J, Ming X G, Qiu S Q, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. A framework for smart manufacturing systems based on the stakeholders' value; proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, ICAM 2018, F, 2019 [C].
[54] Qu Y J, Ming X G, Liu Z W, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. Smart manufacturing systems: state of the art and future trends [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103(9-12): 3751-68.
[55] Qu Y, Ming X, Qiu S, Liu Z, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. Integrating fuzzy Kano model and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to evaluate requirements of smart manufacturing systems [J]. Concurrent Eng Res Appl, 2019, 27(3): 201-12.
[56] Qu Y, Ming X, Ni Y, Li X, Liu Z, Zhang X(张先燏), and Xie L. An integrated framework of enterprise information systems in smart manufacturing system via business process reengineering [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019, 233(11): 2210-24.
[57] Liu Z, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏). A perspective on methodological framework integrating revised rough-DEMATEL to co-generate and analyze requirements for smart product-service system; proceedings of the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, F, 2019 [C].
[58] Chen Z, Ming X, Zhang X(张先燏), et al. A rough-fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP method for evaluating sustainable value requirement of product service system [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 228: 485-508.
[59] Zheng M K, Ming X G, Zhang X Y(张先燏), et al. MapReduce Based Parallel Bayesian Network for Manufacturing Quality Control [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2017, 30(5): 1216-26.
[60] Zheng M, Ming X, Wang L, Yin D, and Zhang X(张先燏). Status Review and Future Perspectives on the Framework of Smart Product Service Ecosystem; proceedings of the Procedia CIRP, F, 2017 [C].
[61] 叶军,罗浩铭,张先燏.基于改进遗传算法的自动化港口贝位两侧进出箱模式下场桥调度模型研究[J].中国港湾建设,2023,43(12):1-5+35.
[62] 高古月, 王瑞昌, 张先燏,明新国. 复杂产品绿色设计集成管理框架研究[J]. 机械设计与研究, 2022, 38(3): 152-157.
[63] 周新杰,明新国,陈志华,张先燏等.基于模型、数据、知识的设计与制造协同框架[J].计算机集成制造系统,2019,25(12):3116-3126.(EI)
[64] 周军,王睿瑞,明新国,张先燏. 面向海洋工程装备智能制造转型需求分析[J].机械设计与研究, 2021, 37(3):149-160.
[65] 屈新怀,张先燏,丁必荣.可控嵌入式构件框架的研究与实现[J].计算机应用与软件,2014,31(02):14-16+85.
1、明新国,尹导,张先燏(著). 智能产品的创新生态系统构建及运行理论与方法 [M]. 上海:上海科学技术出版社, 2024;
2、明新国,郑茂宽,张先燏(著). 智能产品服务生态系统解析、设计与交付 [M]. 上海:上海科学技术出版社, 2024;
3、明新国,厉秀珍,张先燏(著). 面向客户价值的智能产品概念设计方法 [M]. 上海:上海科学技术出版社, 2024;
4、何丽娜,明新国,张先燏(著). 客户价值驱动的个性化产品设计 [M]. 上海:上海科学技术出版社, 2024;
5、明新国,张先燏(编著). 工业大数据技术与示范案例 [M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社, 2024(2023年度国家出版基金资助项目);
6、尹周平,陶波(编著). 《工业物联网技术及应用》[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2022,第7章著作(明新国,张先燏)。
2、2021年10月:论文《An implementation for Smart Manufacturing Information System (SMIS) from an industrial practice survey》被国际著名科技机构ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING (AIE) 遴选为关键科学论文(入选率在1‰以内)并专题报道;
4、2023年5月:论文《A Human-centric Collaboration Framework for Social Product Development(SPD) in Industrial Internet Platform》,工业大数据智能系统前沿会议(NFC-RGC2023)-最佳论文提名奖(2/8);
5、2023年12月:论文《An innovation service system and personalized recommendation for Customer-product Interaction Life Cycle in smart product service system》被国际著名科技机构ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING (AIE) 遴选为关键科学论文(入选率在1‰以内)并专题报道;