个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Donglin-Zou
2012-2017 上海交通大学 机械设计及理论专业 博士
2009-2012 西安交通大学 机械设计及理论专业 硕士
2005-2009 武汉理工大学 机械设计制造及其自动化专业 学士
2021.08-至今 伟德betvlctor体育官网 助理研究员
2019.09-2021.07 香港中文大学机械自动化系 博士后 (合作导师:廖维新教授)
2017.10-2019.08 伟德betvlctor体育官网 博士后 (合作导师:饶柱石教授)
1. 基于智能材料的结构振动控制与利用(压电、磁流变液、声学超材料等等)
2. 水下航行体、推进器的空泡水动力学,流固耦合动力学
3. 转子动力学
International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration 会员
中国振动工程学会 会员
中国机械工程学会 会员
上海市振动工程学会 会员
中船集团第708研究所预研项目:XXXXX典型设备及管路系统动力学分析研究,2023-2025 ,主持,在研。
中船集团第708研究所预研项目:XXXX振动研究,2023-2024 ,主持,结题。
MARIC-SJTU联合创新基金:基于带冠转子的新型低噪声泵喷推进器研究,2021-2023, 主持,结题。
中国船舶集团前瞻基金:基于深度学习的舰船螺旋桨推力辨识技术研究,2022-2023 , 主持,结题。
自然科学青年基金:考虑叶片弹性效应及轴系振动的舰船螺旋桨轴承力特性研究,2019-2021 , 主持,结题。
博士后基金面上资助:计及桨叶弹性的螺旋桨轴承力特性分析及其估算方法研究,2018-2020, 主持,结题。
目前已在Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Nonlinear Dynamics,Journal of Sound and Vibration, Ocean Engineering等期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇(第一作者SCI论文20余篇),EI论文20余篇,授权软件著作权5项,发明专利5项,出版专著一本(舰船螺旋桨激励力特性研究——从生成机理到传递机制,邹冬林、饶柱石,塔娜,上海交通大学出版社,2024年)
[73] D. Zou, L. Xue, Y. Yang, X. Dong, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Research on the excitation force and vortex dynamics characteristics of pump-jet propulsor induced by shafting whirling vibration: Non-uniform blade tip clearance, Physics of Fluids, 36 (2024).
[72] D. Zou, L. Xue, Q. Lin, J. Xu, X. Dong, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Influence of propulsion shafting longitudinal vibration on the excitation force and vortex dynamics characteristics of pump-jet propulsor, Ocean Engineering, 295 (2024) 116962.
[71] J. Xu, L. Xue, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Research on hybrid propulsion system with parallel power configuration: theory and experiment based on dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics, 112 (2024) 12035-12059.
[70] J. Xu, L. Xue, D. Zou, C. Jiao, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Dynamic investigation of the influence of propeller on the vibro-acoustic characteristics of marine propulsion systems, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 40 (2024) 523330.
[69] 邹冬林, 马相龙, 吴昊, 薛林, 杨宇泽, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 推进轴系弯-纵耦合非线性效应对推力测量精度影响研究, 船舶力学, 28 (2024) 1063-1072.
[68] 马相龙, 吴昊, 邹冬林, 薛林, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 船舶螺旋桨推力的在线高精度辨识方法, 中国舰船研究, 19 (2024) 310-318.
[67] 马相龙, 吴昊, 薛林, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 邹冬林, 基于Kalman滤波与应变信号的舰船轴系推力辨识研究, 噪声与振动控制, 44 (2024) 32-36+43.
[66] L. Xue, Y. Yang, D. Zou, X. Dong, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Numerical analysis of the influence of hull-modulated inflow on unsteady force fluctuations and vortex dynamics of pump-jet propulsor, Physics of Fluids, 35 (2023).
[65] J. Xu, L. Xue, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Effects of unsymmetrical input power on the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the marine propulsion system: Theory and experiment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 548 (2023) 117508.
[64] 武兴伟, 邹冬林, 董新国, 薛林, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 弹性螺旋桨纵向激励力特性研究, 噪声与振动控制, 43 (2023) 7-11+18.
[63] 马相龙, 吴昊, 邹冬林, 薛林, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 船舶螺旋桨推力的在线高精度辨识方法研究, 中国舰船研究, (2023) 1-10.
[62] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Study on the dynamic behavior of herringbone gear structure of marine propulsion system powered by double-cylinder turbines, Science China Technological Sciences, 65 (2022) 611-630.
[61] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Instability Mechanism of Marine Propulsion System with Double-Cylinder Turbines Considering the Effects of System Parameters: Symmetrical Layout and Unsymmetrical Load, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 10 (2022) 253-271.
[60] F. Lv, Y. Shangguan, D. Zou, A. Ji, Transient mixed-lubrication analysis of low-viscosity lubricated bearings under impact load with consideration of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022).
[59] D. Zou, G. Liu, Z. Rao, J. Cao, W.H. Liao, Design of a high-performance piecewise bi-stable piezoelectric energy harvester, Energy, 241 (2022) 122514. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[58] D. Zou, K. Chen, Z. Rao, J. Cao, W.H. Liao, Design of a quad-stable piezoelectric energy harvester capable of programming the coordinates of equilibrium points, Nonlinear Dynamics, 108 (2022) 857–871. (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[57] D. Zou, G. Liu, Z. Rao, T. Tan, W. Zhang, W.H. Liao, Design of a multi-stable piezoelectric energy harvester with programmable equilibrium point configurations [J], Applied Energy, 302 (2021) 117585. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[56] D. Zou, G. Liu, Z. Rao, Y. Zi, W.H. Liao, Design of a broadband piezoelectric energy harvester with piecewise nonlinearity [J], Smart Materials and Structures, 30 (2021) 085040. (SCI, 材料科学2区)
[55] D. Zou, G. Liu, Z. Rao, T. Tan, W. Zhang, W.H. Liao, Design of vibration energy harvesters with customized nonlinear forces [J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 153 (2021) 107526. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[54] D. Zou, G. Liu, Z. Rao, T. Tan, W. Zhang, W.H. Liao, A device capable of customizing nonlinear forces for vibration energy harvesting, vibration isolation, and nonlinear energy sink [J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 147 (2021) 107101. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[53] D. Zou, J. Xu, J. Zhang, F. Lv, N. Ta, Z. Rao, The hydroelastic analysis of marine propellers considering the effect of the shaft: Theory and experiment [J], Ocean Engineering, 221 (2021) 108547. (SCI, 工程:海洋1区)
[52] K. Chen, Q. Gao, S. Fang, D. Zou, W.H. Liao. An auxetic nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester for enhancing efficiency and bandwidth [J]. Applied Energy, 298 (2021) 117274. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[51] J. Zhang, D. Han, Z. Xie, D. Zou. Theoretical and experimental investigation on the effect of supply pressure on the nonlinear behaviors of the aerostatic bearing-rotor system [J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 158 (2021) 107775. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[50] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, Z. Rao. Instability Mechanism of Marine Propulsion System with Double-Cylinder Turbines Considering the Effects of System Parameters: Symmetrical Layout and Unsymmetrical Load [J]. J Vib Eng Technol, (2021), Accepted. (SCI)
[49] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, Z. Rao. Dynamic Evolution Laws of the DI-SO Helical Gear System with Unsymmetrical Load Inputs [J]. J Vib Eng Technol, (2021), Accepted. (SCI)
[48] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, Z. Rao. Dynamic stability research on the DCT marine propulsion system with unsymmetrical load [J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, (2021) Accepted. (SCI)
[47] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, Z. Rao. Study on the dynamic behavior of herringbone gear structure of marine propulsion system powered by double-cylinder turbines [J]. Sci China Technol Sc, (2021) Accepted; (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[46] C. Jiao, Z. Leng, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Numerical research of the infinitely wide wedge flow based on the lattice Boltzmann method [J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 235 (2021) 343-350. (SCI)
[45] C. Jiao, J. Xu, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Flow field characteristics of micro-scale textured surfaces of water-lubricated bearings using lattice Boltzmann method [J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 73 (2021) 736-741. (SCI)
[44] 邹冬林, 焦春晓, 徐江海, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 船舶桨-轴系统双向流固耦合动力学建模方法研究 [J], 船舶力学, 25 (2021) 80-94. (EI)
[43] 徐江海, 邹冬林, 张景, 饶柱石. 双输入-单输出斜齿轮系统振动特性随非对称动力参数的演化规律 [J]. 船舶力学, (2021) Accepted. (EI)
[42] 邹冬林, 徐江海, 焦春晓, 冷子珺, 塔娜, 饶柱石. 轴系纵振诱发的螺旋桨轴承力特性研究 [J]. 船舶力学, (2021) Accepted. (EI)
[41] J. Xu, C. Jiao, D. Zou, Z. Rao. Dynamic evolution laws of DI-SO herringbone gear system with unsymmetrical load parameters [C], proceedings of the 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIBRATION ENGINEERING, Shanghai, 2021.
[40] D. Zou, J. Zhang, G. Liu, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Study on characteristics of propeller exciting force induced by axial vibration of propulsion shafting: Theoretical analysis [J], Ocean Engineering, 202 (2020) 106942. (SCI, 工程:海洋1区)
[39] J. Zhang, H. Zhao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Comparison study of misalignment effect along two perpendicular directions on the stability of rigid rotor-aerostatic journal bearing system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers [J], Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 234 (2020) 1618-1634. (SCI)
[38] J. Zhang, C. Jiao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Assigning viscoelastic and hyperelastic properties to the middle-ear soft tissues for sound transmission [J], Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19 (2020) 957-970. (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[37] D. Zou, J. Zhang, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Study on the axial exciting force characteristics of marine propellers considered the effect of the shaft and blade elasticity [J], Applied Ocean Research, 89 (2019) 141-153. (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[36] D. Zou, F. Lv, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Study on bearing force of marine propeller induced by longitudinal vibration of propulsion-shafting [J], Ships and Offshore Structures, 15 (2019) 162-174. (SCI)
[35] D. Zou, C. Jiao, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Theoretical study on the axial excitation force transmission characteristics of marine propellers, Ocean Engineering, 189 (2019) 106364. (SCI, 工程:海洋1区)
[34] D. Zou, H. Zhao, G. Liu, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Application of augmented Kalman filter to identify unbalance load of rotor-bearing system: Theory and experiment [J], Journal of Sound and Vibration, 463 (2019) 114972. (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[33] J. Zhang, D. Zou, Tian Jiabing, N. Ta, Z. Rao, A comparative finite-element analysis of acoustic transmission in human cochlea during forward and reverse stimulations [J], Applied Acoustics, 145 (2019) 278-289. (SCI, 声学2区)
[32] J. Zhang, C. Jiao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, A semianalytical method for studying the performances of aerostatic thrust bearing [J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 233 (2019) 628-637. (SCI)
[31] F. Lv, C. Jiao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Analysis of misaligned water-lubricated polymer bearing with axial grooves [J], Industrial Lubrication & Tribology, 71 (2019) 411-419. (SCI)
[30] F. Lv, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Improvement of lubrication performance of water lubricated polymer bearing via enlarged axial end bearing diameter [J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 71 (2019) 564-572. (SCI)
[29] J. Zhang, C. Jiao, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao. The study of discharge coefficient of aerostatic thrust bearings with inherent orifices based on Fluent [C]. 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2019, July 7, 2019 - July 11, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada. (EI)
[28] 邹冬林, 张建波, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 基于面元法的船舶螺旋桨附连水质量与阻尼计算方法研究 [J], 船舶力学, 23 (2019) 9-19. (EI)
[27] 邹冬林, 张建波, 田佳彬, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 随轴系做复杂空间运动的船舶螺旋桨水动性能计算 [J], 船舶力学, 23 (2019) 926-935. (EI)
[26] 张建波, 焦春晓, 邹冬林, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 一种关于静压气体轴承节流孔系数的计算方法 [J], 航空动力学报, 34 (2019) 787-795. (EI)
[25] 徐鹏, 邹冬林, 吕芳蕊, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 船舶推进轴系弯—纵耦合效应的非线性振动特性 [J], 中国舰船研究, 14 (2019) 49-57.
[24] 邹奋, 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 钠泵压力脉动特性分析 [J], 热能动力工程, 34 (2019) 71-76.
[23] 于丰宁, 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 田佳彬, 泵喷推进器在敞水与艇后的激励力计算分析 [J], 船海工程, 48 (2019) 96-101.
[22] J. Zhang, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, B. Ding. A numerical method for solution of the discharge coefficients in externally pressurized gas bearings with inherent orifice restrictors [J], Tribology International, 125 (2018), 156-168. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[21] J. Zhang, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Numerical research of pressure depression in aerostatic thrust bearing with inherent orifice, Tribology International, 123 (2018), 385-396. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[20] J. Zhang, F. Yu, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Comparison of the characteristics of aerostatic journal bearings considering misalignment under pure-static and hybrid condition [J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 234 (2018), 1618-1634. (SCI)
[19] F. Lv, D. Zou, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Influence of local turbulent flow on the performance of a mixed-lubrication bearing [J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 233(2018), 1029-1035. (SCI)
[18] L. Liu, D. Zou, Z. Rao, N. Ta. Analysis of sound transmission through a multi-leaf partition using FEM and SEA [C]. 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018: Hiroshima Calling, ICSV 2018, July 8, 2018 - July 12, 2018, Hiroshima, Japan. (EI)
[17] D. Zou, J. Zhang, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Influence evaluation of wake shedding on natural frequencies of marine propulsion shafts J], Journal of Vibroengineering, 19 (2017) 2142-2152. (SCI)
[16] D. Zou, J. Zhang, N. Ta, Z. Rao, The hydroelastic analysis of marine propellers with consideration of the effect of the shaft [J], Ocean Engineering, 131 (2017) 95-106. (SCI, 工程:海洋1区)
[15] 邹冬林, 张建波, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 船舶推进轴系纵横耦合非线性动力学分析—叶频激励下横向主共振响应 [J], 船舶力学, 21 (2017). (EI)
[14] G. Liu, K. Lu, D. Zou, Z. Xie, Z. Rao, N. Ta, Development of a semi-active dynamic vibration absorber for longitudinal vibration of propulsion shaft system based on magnetorheological elastomer [J], Smart Materials and Structures, 26 (2017) 075009. (SCI, 材料科学2区)
[13] 朱鸿, 邹冬林, 卢坤, 解忠良, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 船舶轴系推力轴承油膜刚度与综合支承刚度测量 [J], 船舶力学, 21 (2017) 455-463. (EI)
[12] D. Zou, L. Liu, Z. Rao, N. Ta, Coupled longitudinal–transverse dynamics of a marine propulsion shafting under primary and internal resonances [J], Journal of Sound and Vibration, 372 (2016) 299-316. (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[11] D. Zou, C. Jiao, N. Ta, Z. Rao, Forced vibrations of a marine propulsion shafting with geometrical nonlinearity (primary and internal resonances) [J], Mechanism and Machine Theory, 105 (2016) 304-319. (SCI, 工程技术1区)
[10] D. Zou, C. Jiao, N. Ta, Z. Rao. Numerical analysis of added mass for marine propellers using panel method with or without consideration of wake shedding [C], 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2016, July 10, 2016 - July 14, 2016, Athens, Greece. (EI)
[9] Y. Zhang, Q. Wei, D. Zou, M. Shao. Study on the relationship between the imbalance status and its vibration response in balancing method of rotors [J]. 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2016, July 10, 2016 - July 14, 2016, Athens, Greece. (EI)
[8] 邹冬林, 荀振宇, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 主共振与内共振下纵横耦合轴系动力学分析 [J], 振动工程学报, 29 (2016) 511-520. (EI)
[7] 邹冬林, 刘翎, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 利用有限元法与打靶法的纵横耦合轴系主共振分析 [J], 振动工程学报, 29 (2016) 87-95. (EI)
[6] D. Zou, Z. Rao, N. Ta, Coupled longitudinal-transverse dynamics of a marine propulsion shafting under superharmonic resonances [J], Journal of Sound and Vibration, 346 (2015) 248-264. (SCI, 工程技术2区)
[5] 解忠良, 邹冬林, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 陈汝刚, 某型立式给水泵机组水润滑轴承—转子系统的动力学特性分析 [J], 噪声与振动控制, 35 (2015) 102-107.
[4] 邹冬林, 荀振宇, 花纯利, 塔娜, 饶柱石, 大变形下轴向力对船舶推进轴系弯曲固有频率影响 [J], 振动与冲击, 34 (2015) 206-210. (EI)
[3] 杨志荣, 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 船舶推进轴系纵横耦合振动响应分析(英文) [J], 船舶力学, 18 (2014) 1482-1494. (EI)
[2] 章云, 梅雪松, 邹冬林, 姜歌东, 许睦旬, 应用动力学模型的高速主轴无试重动平衡方法 [J], 西安交通大学学报, 45 (2011) 34-37+59. (EI)
[1] 章云, 梅雪松, 邹冬林, 姜歌东, 张东升, 应用模态分析及傅里叶变换的柔性转子无试重动平衡方法 [J], 振动与冲击, 31 (2012) 7-10+21. (EI)
[1] 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 薛林. 船舶推进轴系静动力学分析软件V1.0[Z]. 软件著作权, 2020, 2023SR0139246.
[2] 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 薛林. 船舶螺旋桨结构动力性能分析软件V1.0[Z]. 软件著作权, 2020, 2023SR0139306.
[3] 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 薛林. 船舶螺旋桨水动力性能分析软V1.0[Z]. 软件著作权, 2020, 2023SR0165894.
[4] 邹冬林, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 薛林. 船舶螺旋桨流固耦合动力学分析软件V1.0[Z]. 软件著作权, 2020, 2023SR0147577.
[5] 解忠良, 饶柱石, 塔娜, 邹冬林. 多场耦合作用下水润滑轴承-转子系统动力学特性分析软件V1.0[Z]. 软件著作权, 2016, 2016SR069161.