Let Me Share | Postdoctoral application and paper publication


On July 3rd, Let Me Share 2021 was held online via Zoom Meeting. Let Me Share is an annual seminar that is organized by MEISU to share information to help students with their studies at SJTU and with their careers after they graduate. This year, we had two fantastic speakers: Khandaker Noman and Arash Kazemian.


Khandaker Noman discussed postdoc opportunities in China. He first discussed general information about postdoc including the best time to apply for positions, the benefits of postdocs, and some visa information. He also talked about what is required for postdoc positions including paper requirements and different assignments such as mentoring, reviewing articles, and applying for grants. To be competitive for postdoc positions, Dr. Khandaker mentioned that it is collaboration, being active in the science community, papers, and TA/RA opportunities are important.



Arash Kazemian discussed the process of publishing journal papers quickly. After giving some brief information about where to publish and what types of papers to publish, he then gave some key factors to publishing such as collaboration with other researchers, keeping novel ideas somewhere, and not starting from zero. He mentioned that it is important to focus on certain parts of the paper such as the title, abstract, the novelty paragraph, and conclusion. For the title of the paper, make sure that you use short titles, but they should also include key factors to the research. To make the papers the best, it is important to have good quality figures too.



MEISU is immensely thankful that the speakers were able to share such important and helpful information. We look forward to applying this information in ou studies and lives.

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